The AP Automation Company

Software should Simply Deliver Results

It's your Results that Matter

Learn Why Over 70% Of DataServ Clients Have Been With Us 10+ Years.

Why do so many aP projects fail?

This is exactly why DataServ was created: to ensure you get the results of the project, not just the costs!

We took a completely different approach to software development. One that focuses on the success of our clients instead of less work for us!

The best AP automation  provides a comprehensive solution to multiple bottlenecks in the accounts payable process. It will digitize and normalize your invoice data, help the payables team see where invoices are in the process at all times, eliminate as much manual work as possible and ensure that proper controls are enforced and archived correctly for audits.

In order to successfully do this, AP automation software needs to be both flexible and accurate. First, the system needs to reflect and enhance your business process needs. Then, it needs to deliver reliable, repeatable results – on every transaction, every time.

AP Automation Software Built for Your Results and Tailored to Your Needs

Unlike many products in the APIA market that were bolted together from acquisitions or built as on-premise software migrated to the cloud, DataServ was built from the ground up as the first Multi-tenant SaaS platform for AP Invoice Automation with client success in mind! Ongoing client support and training are always included.

This is not a small purchase decision. Buying a piece of software will not fix a bad process! AP automation software is most successful when it serves as a continuous process improvement tool. The best solution for your business will allow your most valuable humans to focus on thinking instead of keying. This analytical focus will give your organization much higher overall value from the AP function.

DataServ designed our AP automation software from the start to be more economically aligned with your needs. From volume-based pricing to concurrent licensing to full-service Initialization including Tailoring, we have created the best value in the industry.

We Built Just What You Need

Incredible Accuracy

DataServ’s AP automation software uses our proprietary Digital Mailroom process to deliver up to 99% accurate invoice matching. Only this exacting level of accuracy can actually free up your team. With the data standards provided by other products, your accounts payable team will be forced to hand-review all your data anyway!

Simple & Thorough Initialization

We take a unique "Best of Both Worlds" approach to Initialization. Get all the benefits of standards and Best Practices right out of the gate - about 80% of the solution. The other 20% is Tailored to meet the unique needs of your business - better, faster and cheaper than customization.

Comprehensive User Support

AP Automation shouldn’t mean more work for your team - many providers expect you to rollout and train your users on their system. DataServ includes User Adoption, Change Management, Rollout assistance, Initial and Ongoing Training and 3 Tiers of direct User Support for all clients.

Integrate With Anything

We integrate with any financial system — from ERPs to MRPs to Purchasing to Financial Management to Email in both traditional software and cloud environments.

Focus on Automating

Automated Initial Routing, Default Coding and Workflow escalations give your Accounts Payable team the tools to process more invoices with less "routing and chasing." AutoVouch™ provides touchless PO matching using AI that has already been trained by millions of invoices. Meanwhile, our mobile interface enables users to quickly approve from their smartphone.

Document Retention And Destruction

Our Full Document Lifecycle approach is engineered into the solution. Invoices and related documents and data are retained in compliance with your company’s retention policies and industry regulations. Certified destruction at the end of retention is all included.

A Globally Trusted AP Automation Company

Our Accounts Payable solutions include currency conversion and global tax capture capabilities, global approval workflow, browser language translation, and support for government-mandated e-invoicing interfaces. We currently support users in about 50 countries.

Features of Our AP Automation Software

Document Intake

Create a paperless accounting process for your AP department built on an OCR-intake approach that delivers clean and usable data – all while ensuring over 99% pre-ERP accuracy.

  • 100% digital single stream solution
  • DataServ receives all documents and invoice data on your behalf
  • SaaS OCR + 5 point human validation all done by US = 99+% accuracy
  • Received in any format
  • Received from any source
  • No templates to set up, test and maintain
  • No manual Validation or clean-up tasks on your end

Invoice Automation

Throughout our 30 years, we’ve systematically developed proprietary processes and technology to eliminate human interaction with complex invoice transactions. DataServ’s tailored AP invoice automation reduces invoice processing costs, frees staff time, mitigates invoice fraud, and streamlines the approval process.

Touchless Invoice Processing

Eliminate manual tasks, such as invoice matching and comparison processes, and make the most of your PO process by validating invoices with AutoVouch™​ and automatically scheduling for payment.

Invoice Workflow Automation

When you simplify your accounts payable workflow with our software you can reduce processing times with responsive controls, distribute coding without errors; document and enforce your delegation of authority.

Invoice Visibility

Replace mountains of paper invoices with an electronic audit trail. Our AP automation solutions allow you to easily report on the approval workflow history of each document, including approval steps, dates, and comments.


With automated invoice processing, routing, daily email alerts, and AutoVouch™​, approvals operate at maximum efficiency. Our software transfers the burden of coding to the buyer and payment approval teams can rest easy knowing that accuracy is maintained with tools like autofill and predictive coding.

Compliance: Reduce Risk And Increase Transparency

DataServ’s Accounts Payable process can reduce your cost of compliance with automatic currency conversion and built-in controls for all countries.

Global Approval Matrix

DataServ documents delegation of authority, and automatically converts thresholds across any form of currency. Our software can convert any currency, using the real-time exchange rate to simplify approvals and ensure accuracy.

Global eInvoicing Mandates

Accounts payable invoice automation will help you keep compliant with eInvoicing initiatives around the globe – no matter the country or technical requirements.

AP Vendor Portal Options

Vendor Inquiry

Offer secure access directly to your vendors who are inquiring about payment reconciliation, status, or invoice issue resolution.

Vendor Setup and Maintenance

Grant employees and vendors the ability to facilitate the collection of data for new vendor onboarding, automatically validate and verify against public and private data sources, upload critical documentation, and make key information updates with a workflow approval process for control.

Check Request

Our software solution allows your employees to request payment on demand when invoices or credit cards just aren’t feasible.

Analytics and Dashboards: Instant Insight Into Your Organization’s Historical Trends

Visibility into your financial liabilities, giving you the power to make better and faster decisions.

  • Highly intuitive – easily modify filters or create custom dashboards
  • Built-in standard dashboards – to get you started quickly
  • Permission-based access
  • One-click share – share with other users with access, export entire dashboard to PDFs, and download or print certain elements
  • Vastly customizable – virtually unlimited options for segmenting data

    • Modify filters
    • Add more filters
    • Include/exclude data points
    • Change the chart type

How much can you save with AP automation software?

Ready to find out the return on investment you could see with DataServ? Just answer four questions to get your results!

woman celebrating with her hands up and smiling

DataServ’s AP Automation Solution

1. Capture, Code, Send
Our Digital Mailroom offers effortless invoice processing, capturing all documents from any source, in any format, and automatically routes based upon your rules.

2. Verify And Approve
A daily email is sent with a link for invoices to review. Users choose to Approve, Reject, Re-Route, or Code. AP automation rules keep the process flowing without human intervention.

3. Authorize For Payment
Accounts payable gives final approval to submit invoices for payment.

4. Send To ERP
Approved invoices are created and paid in your financial system.

5. Archive
Accounts Payable documents are retained or destroyed based on rules, regulations, and your company’s needs.

  • Best Of Both Worlds Initialization 80% Best Practices & 20% Tailored. Learn How
  • Get Started In Days, Not Months
  • Document Intake — We Receive And Enter All Documents On Our Client’s Behalf
  • Deep Support For High Proportion Purchase Order Workflows
  • Configurable Industry-Specific Capabilities
  • A Complete Accounts Payable Software — No Add-Ons Necessary

Collaborative Intelligence
We leverage the best of what Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence have to offer, to promote best practices and perpetual improvement to the AP process.

Centralized Processing
All location, date, PO, receipt, and invoice data in one, easily accessible place.

Exception Management
Controls in place to maximize straight-through invoice processing and prevent prematurely forcing unnecessary exceptions.

Drop/Direct Shipping Purchase Orders
Seamlessly handle drop and direct shipping purchase orders with advanced machine learning algorithms that identify and implement appropriate AP workflows tailored to your specific shipping needs.

Support For Multiple PO Types
Effortlessly manage various purchase order types, including standard POs, blanket orders, and contract POs with our flexible system that adapts to your unique procurement processes.

Clear The Noise
Sophisticated algorithms intelligently identify and eliminate noise from your AP processes, such as duplicate invoices, discrepancies, and irrelevant data, to enhance visibility, streamline workflows, and improve decision-making for greater efficiency and accuracy in accounts payable operations.

Ready To Get Started Right Now With DataServ?