
$100 bill behind a bull market trend.

5 Higher-Value Tasks Your AP Processors Can Work on Instead of Dealing with Paper

Many an accounts payable (AP) manager has laid awake at night and dreamed of how productive their staff could be if they didn’t have to

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Close-up of person inspecting paperwork.

Alleviate Audit Pain with AP Invoice Automation

Audits can be scary. It’s the moment of truth when your organization’s finances and processes are put under the microscope. Documents, data, and workflows are

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Concept art of "Caution" icon.

AP Automation & RPA = Trouble

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a tech trend with a reputation that causes some to overestimate its capabilities. Have you heard that RPA can solve

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Notebook and pen with "to-do" list, clock, and keyboard.

8 High-Value Tasks Your AP Team Can Move Toward with Paperless Accounts Payable

Did you read our first blog? Last month we posted a blog titled “5 Higher-Value Tasks Your AP Processors Can Work on Instead of Dealing

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