Improving Business Functions

Lighthouse during a low-visibility night.

High Cost of Low Invoice Visibility

If you are like me – or most CFOs, Controllers, AP Managers, or anyone in a position of financial accountability – total visibility is probably

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Supplier network economy diagram abstract concept.

Supplier Networks and the Law of Diminishing Returns

False Expectations about Supplier Networks Repeatedly, we have heard from our clients who own Purchasing Suites, such as Coupa or Ariba, that they are still

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Close-up of person inspecting paperwork.

Alleviate Audit Pain with AP Invoice Automation

Audits can be scary. It’s the moment of truth when your organization’s finances and processes are put under the microscope. Documents, data, and workflows are

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Concept art of remote work and virtual teams.

The Virtual Quarterly Close: Are You Ready?

“It’s possible the traditional financial close may be gone for good” (Deloitte CFO Insights). In what now seems like a simpler, pre-pandemic world, quarterly close

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